Disaster Recovery

When something fails, no one can tell how grievous it may become, will it be a temporary inconvenience or a business-shaking crisis? If it involves hard disk crash, can your business come back in hours? If a natural disaster shuts your network down, can you recover every business critical application that day?

Disasters do happen!!!

Worlay Computers prevents natural and man-made disasters from becoming a business disasters.

  • Off-site Back Ups
  •  Data Center
  • Business Continuity

We offer a full range of disaster recovery consulting services and solutions for your business to prevent many events, minimize any damage and return your system to its full capacities as soon as possible.

Computer Networking Support:

We eliminate your Computer Problems

  • System under Virus Attack?
  • Network down?
  • Email over capacity?
  • Printer offline?

We have carefully designed IT supports solutions to solve all these problems and more.
Every growing organization experiences all these computer support obstacles, but we are set to make sure your business is back up to full efficiency.

Risk minimization:

We are ready to resolve many IT problems when your IT staff is unavailable. Use us as your emergency staff.

Efficiency Optimization:

Regular maintenance and system health reviews reduce downtime and increase the overall efficiency of your network. A thorough IT audit can reduce, if not eliminate, the expense of the future infrastructure outages.

Website Design:

Promote your business. Move beyond static websites into dynamic online experiences.
Unmoving websites, unmove customers. Today?s web customers expect more from your website than static words and pictures. Companies nowadays feature website that rival storefronts.
Our professional web designers and programmers have got what it takes to turn your web design ideas creatively into reality.

Want a Comprehensive Network?

We design, install and integrate networks for maximum business effectiveness.
Our team of engineers perform full administration services for virtually any network.

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